How much weight can I lose when taking a diet pill like phentermine?

Phentermine weight loss is determined by the patient's age, normal metabolic rate, employment, lifestyle, and a variety of other factors. This is a difficult question to answer. However, a normal adult with a desk job who consumes at least two solid meals each day should expect to lose 2 kg (4.40 lbs) per month (30 day period). It's quite good. Never attempt to lose a lot of weight fast. It's especially detrimental to your general health to lose weight fast.

There is no set amount of weight you can lose if you are on Phentermine. However several clinical studies have proven that phentermine can accelerate fat loss. Expected weight loss if you are on phentermine is 5-10% of your initial weight over 12 weeks, it can be as high as 12%. This equates to a weight loss of 10–40 pounds (4.5–9 kg) for a person weighing 200 pounds (90.7 kg). if you add exercise and intermittent fasting you can lose more than 25%

How much weight can I lose when taking a diet pill like phentermine?
How much weight can I lose when taking a diet pill like phentermine?